Telegram from the Commissiner of Allahabad - Nothing of importance at Delhi since the 21st August 80 on 90 Ramghur sowars cut up in Rhotuck Siege train was expected at delhi before the end of August & from Meerut 200 Rifles & 100 artilhery etc a good deal of diffeusion still prevails at Delhi & the men Keep disertain in small parties Agra quiet but the Gwalior troops geting uneasy Meer aman Ally suhadan Major of the first Gwlior contingents Infy has been writing to the rajah of Dholepore there atening him with an attack if be assists us & intimating his interistion of coming up to Agra Expects Delhi to fall by the 15th Instant the Delhi army does not expect aid from the eastward Rajpootana is quiet & well affected.

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