The Officiating Superintendent of Marine - Submits a Reports of survey of the Hall Enquires & condition of the Rneer Bord showing that no danger is perceptible in the vessels Hall now in her tembers or dcek lent by the rottenmess of the hog frame it has drawn about on such the engmes should not be harsen dishisbed unless all hopes of raising he vessel are abundined & the Committee recommend certain stores being sent up to flont he vessel states that it has been suggested by Caption Boon to have on establishment attached to the vessel to take charge of her & to clear away the sand & Keep the Machinery clean - REcommends that the charge of the River Bird he madever to Lieut. Forters the Superintendent of Nuddea Rivers an enquires with 4 Stores being attached to the vessel to look after the muchinery & Mr. Hamplan the Consider of the Jumma in charge of he River Bird allowed to resaine his proper duties & such stores as are at present deposited on the bank of the reiver brought to Calcutta

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Identifier PR_000001984855
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 18 Dec., No. 25 - 26
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