To Naval Commander in Chief - In reply to the foregoing letters. Concurs with His Excellencys sentiments and opinions on the results of Captain Laws Surveys as to the relative value and importance of the points Examined - Have ordered to be lithographed the Charts of the Harbour and Watering place of Port Owen and of the Harbour of Khyook Phyoo - Consider the addition of the former to the Charts published from # Rosss Surveys prove beneficial to Vessels desirous to seek the Shelter of the Harbour Cannot make a permanant Settlement - on the Island unless order to do so are received from England - Observations on the usefulness of the Chart of Khyook Phyoo with the additions made by Captain Laws - 50 Copies of the Charts will be forwarded to His Excellency when ready - For reasons stated do not see the necessity of providing an Enlarged Chart of the Position between Kaleygonk, and the Main Land of Martaban etc.

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