Resolution - On Courts letters No. 15, 16 and 17 of 1842 dated 31st August communicating directions connected with a proposition for forming a Glossary of words in current use in the various parts of India relating to the Companys own or the Native Administrantion of Public business in every Branch transmitting copy of a letter from Dr. Dulliven Esquire with to 6 copies of printed instructions and forms of Estimates which accompanied it and directing that order be given to the several Pay Masters to make the stoppage and deduction of the Income Duly from Officer of H. M. forces who not being on the Indian Establishment have received or may receive payment and desiring to be furnished with Accounts of the Income Duly so stopped not deducted intimating that a number of copies of a new and revised Edition of the Law relating to India forwarded in 1840 will be transmitted by an Early opportunity.

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Identifier PR_000001876085
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 26 Oct., No. 1
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