From - Submit Copy of a Statement shewing the amount required to make good to the pilot the difference of their income under the regulation of the 1st May 1808 - Request a Treasury Order for sum of Rs. 55,380.11.11 - Observe that the marine paymaster has cash in hand amounting to sum of Rs. which if applied towards the liwuidation of the amount due to the pilot Establishment the remaining Sum required from the General Greasury will be sum of Rs. 21,277.4.5 state further circumstances relative to prlotage, the harbour Master Department etc for consideration & approval - Recommend the readmission of those pilots who first set on foot the late dissensions but not until the 1st fo this month & that the Salary which they would have drawn in the interim be carried to the Credit of the persion List.

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Identifier PR_000001851037
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 23 Mar., No. 27 -29
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