Resident - Report his having taken Charge of the Residency on the 29th March as happy in being able to state that from the Wise & Vigorous measures precribed by Mr. Marlbro be found tranquillity perpitly reestablished consides it necessary however to maintain the extra force raised by the Acting Resident until an additional Number of regular troops shall revive to relieve them - States his sentiments on the permanent Military Establishment required for Fort Marlbro also the necessary of having a small Vessel stationed at that settlment - difficulties in supplying his Treasury with funds - measures for obviating it - recomanends that 50,000 Dollars be sent him as soon as possible - Has appointed Mr. Siddons Secretary depiciency of covenanted Assistant - Solicits that four more be sent from Bengal - Mace Shiped on the Wyndham.

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Identifier PR_000001844867
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 24 Jun., No. 27
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