Agent - Acknowledges receipt of a letter from this Government of the 17th Novermber 1809 - states the period of arrival of the His Company Ships Tottenham & Orean & reports the condition in which their Cargoes were delivered - Regarding the sale of Price Goods - the best method of forwarding supplies.Transmits an Indent for article required with observations thereon - regarding the salvage on the Salt Petre per Stuartham and Europe & the Cargo of the Windham - mentions four Cadets captured in the Windham and to whom # Pound 50 # regarding a consigment of Cape Wine by the Windham - Transmit in Embarkation return of His Majesty 24 Regiment. Encloses copy of # for Medicine in attendence to Lascars sent to India on the Ship Lady Carrington has supplied the Stuartham with a Cable.

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Identifier PR_000001841511
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 29 Mar., No. 1
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