Letter from Dr.W.Roxburgh, Superintendent of the Botanical Garden, to Mr.J.Stracey, Sub-Secretary in the Secret and Political department. reporting that most of the plants sent from Amboyna on the Ganges have perished, giving his opinion regarding the freight to be paid to the Captains of the vessels for bringing them from Amboyna, enclosing lists of plants despatched from the Moluccas by Mr.C.Smith, requesting that the Superintendent of Prince of Wales Island be asked to distribute the plants sent there among those in habitants who are likely to take care of them, and soliciting early payment of the salaries due to the labourers and native gardeners employed in the Botanical Garden.

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Identifier PR_000001822198
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. P.P. 656-662,O.C, 2 Feb, NO.9
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Pages 5
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