Letter from the the Chief and Council at Fort. Marlbro, stating that Mr. Cudlipp has been appointed Secretary, that he has been granted a provisional allowance in consequence of the loss sustained by him, requesting for him some extra allowance, intimating that the effects of the late Mr. Eastwicke have been sold, soliciting orders on the subject of Capt. Pearsons justification in reply to the survey report on a damaged bastion, stating that only a stockade round the fort is to be built, pointing out the defenceless state of the fort, intimating that as Mr. Hartley has to perform the duties of the Civil Surgeon he has been granted and advance, that they have taken up the Montgomery to proceed to Calcutta, that Mr. R. Broff, Deputy Governor, intends to proceed to Europe, reporting the low state of their Treasury, stating that Capt. Pearson has been permitted to proceed to Bengal, and transmitting certain papers.

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