Draft of a letter to the Supercargoes at Canton, enclosing triplicate lists of certificates issued upon the cargoes of the Betsey and the Nonsuch to obtain bills of exchange on the Court of Directors from Cantoon and a list of the ships allotted to them, reporting in detail the action taken on the complaints of piracy and murder prefered by the Portuguese Government at Macao and others against Capt.McClary and Mr. John O Donnell intimating the steps taken to effect a reconciliation between the Supercargoes at Cantoon and the Portguese Government the grant of duplicate certificates to Mr.George Templer upon the cargoes of the Nonsuch, and the refusal of the Bengal Government to interfere on behalf of mr Abraham Leslie for redress agaisnt the alleged oppressions of the Governments of Macao, and dealing with certain formal matters.

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Identifier PR_000001774186
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C., 10 Mar., No.12 B.
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